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Kickstart is not just a program

Kickstart is not just a program, it’s a myriad of individual stories. Stories of people collaborating to innovate, people bringing their ideas to life and of partners framing work as a learning opportunity.

Let’s focus briefly on our Academy where we offer a 10-week sprint to accelerate corporate teams in their efforts to build or to scale their venture. We call it the Kickstart Intrapreneurship program and let's see what three of this year's participants have to say about it.

Demi van Drunen, Eurapco

Embracing the Alpaca mindset became a valuable lesson — being curious, willing to take risks, and approaching challenges with a sense of adventure.

Adrian Schumacher, Swisscom

It was challenging to invest time and energy in the intrapreneur project besides working on my main job, and I had to exercise how to prioritize and do just the right thing at the right moment. But it was definitely worth it and I look forward to applying what I learned to my future projects.

Mira Hannegård, Länsförsäkringar

We have faced challenges, had to rethink, and re-learn many times. We have all challenged ourselves immensely and have learned so much about #innovation #intrapreneurship and #teamwork.


26 Feb 2025


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